
Showing posts from June, 2013

Run Your Apache Server

Run Apache Server -apache-tomcat-7.0.41\apache-tomcat-7.0.41\bin\startup.bat and for shut down \shutdown.bat then Type In your browser. localhost:8080 Change the Local Host Port No. 8080 to 7070 or any other Go to  pache-tomcat-7.0.41\apache-tomcat-7.0.41\conf\server.xml and search connector and change it

What Is Tomcat Default Administrator Password ?

By default, Tomcat does not enable admin or manager access. To enable it, you have to edit the “ %TOMCAT_FOLDER%/conf/tomcat-users.xml ” manually. File : tomcat-users.xml (before update) , initially, Tomcat comments all users and roles like above. <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'utf-8' ?> <tomcat-users> <!-- <role rolename="tomcat"/> <role rolename="role1"/> <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/> <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/> <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/> --> </tomcat-users> File : tomcat-users.xml (after updated) <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'utf-8' ?> <tomcat-users> <!-- <role rolename="tomcat"/> <role rolename="role1"

PHP installation on windows

PHP Installation..On Windows Step 1: download the files Download the latest PHP 5 ZIP package from As always, virus scan the file and check its MD5 checksum using a tool such as fsum . Step 2: extract the files We will install the PHP files to C:\php, so create that folder and extract the contents of the ZIP file into it. PHP can be installed anywhere on your system, but you will need to change the paths referenced in the following steps. Step 3: configure php.ini Copy C:\php\php.ini-recommended to C:\php\php.ini. There are several lines you will need to change in a text editor (use search to find the current setting). Define the extension directory: extension_dir = "C:\php\ext" Enable extensions. This will depend on the libraries you want to use, but the following extensions should be suitable for the majority of applications (remove the semi-colon comment): extension=php_curl.dll extension=php_gd2.dll extension=php_mbstrin

Installing Qt Jambi For java

Installing from a Prebuilt Package After extracting the package, you are ready to run the Launcher, which is an application that runs the examples and demos that come with Qt Jambi. To run the examples and demo launcher on Windows run: qtjambi.exe On Linux and Mac OS X run: Running these files will verify the virtual machine version and set the correct environment for running Qt Jambi applications. When you are ready to distribute your own applications, see the  deployment  document. Manually Launching Qt Jambi Applications To manually launch applications, you need to include the following  .jar  files in your classpath: qtjambi-4.4.0_01.jar , which contains the Jambi classes. The platform archive, which contains the native libraries used by Qt Jambi. The archive is named after the operating system and compiler used to build the libraries; for instance,  qtjambi-win32-msvc2005-4.4.0_01.jar  for Windows and MSVC 2005. To run the examples or launcher, the class

Cloud Computing:Hadoop

1. Apache Hadoop 1.1. Overview Apache Hadoop is a software solution for distributed computing of large datasets. Hadoop provides a distributed filesystem (HDFS) and a  MapReduce  implementation. A special computer acts as the "name node". This computer saves the information about the available clients and the files. The Hadoop clients (computers) are called nodes. The "name node" is currently a single point of failure. The Hadoop project is working on solutions for this. 1.2. Typical tasks Apache Hadoop can be used to filter and aggregate data, e.g. a typical usecase would be the analysis of webserver logs file to find the most visisted pages. But MapReduce has been use to transverse graphs and other tasks. 1.3. Writing the map and reduce functions Hadoop allow that map and reduce functions are written in Java. Hadoop provides also linker so that map and reduce funtions can be written in other languages, e.g. C++, Python, Per, etc.

cloud computing: Hive

Hive is a data warehouse system for Hadoop.  Hive provides a SQL-like language called HiveQL. Due its SQL-like interface, Hive is increasingly becoming the technology of choice for using Hadoop Prerequisites The following are the prerequisites for setting up Hive and running Hive queries You should have the latest stable build of Hadoop To install hadoop, Your machine should have Java 1.6 installed It is assumed you have some knowledge of Java programming and are familiar with concepts such as classes and objects, inheritance, and interfaces/abstract classes. Basic knowledge of Linux will help you understand many of the linux commands used in the tutorial Setting up Hive Platform This tutorial assumes Linux. If using Windows, please install  Cygwin . It is required for shell support in addition to the required software above. Procedure Download the most recent stable release of Hive as a tarball from one of the  apache download mirrors . For our tutorial, we

Matlab Read Image

I=imread('cell1.jpg') ; % Load the image file and store it as the variable I. whos % Type "whos" in order to find out the size and class of all stored variables. save I % Save the variable I. ls % List the files in your directory. % There should now be a file named "I.mat" in you directory % containing your variable I.